Robert A. Booher Consulting provides comprehensive consulting services. Our experience includes providing project oversight, preparation of environmental impact assessments, and project support for capital-intensive projects with extensive liability issues, media coverage, and community involvement. Presented below are selected projects that highlight our experience:
Environmental and Permitting Services
In 1998, Robert A. Booher Consulting initially preformed a regulatory analysis for an OXY/Venoco natural gas exploration project located within the Suisun Marsh near the San Francisco Bay in Northern California. The proposed project encompassed over 65 square miles in an extremely environmentally sensitive area. Robert A. Booher Consulting also secured all environmental, surface and mineral permits for this project. As a part of the permitting process, we secured a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit and prepared California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation for submittal to regulatory agencies and a Biological Assessment for submittal to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Our scope of work for this project also included providing project compliance monitoring and biological and cultural resource surveys on approximately 700 linear miles of seismic line.
Since then, Robert A. Booher Consulting has permitted numerous projects for Oxy including a recent 3D geophysical data acquisition project in the San Joaquin Valley. Our scope of work included regulatory permitting, GIS support, project compliance monitoring and biological and cultural resource surveys on over 1,100 linear miles.
Currently, Robert A. Booher Consulting is supporting Oxy/Vintage oil and gas operations in numerous locations throughout California on both federal and private lands across California. Robert A. Booher Consulting has prepared permits for wells, pipelines and facilities, and we have prepared environmental documents including air analyses, restoration plans, and hazardous materials business plans.
Environmental Permitting and Compliance
Robert A. Booher Consulting on behalf of TXI successfully negotiated a resolution to an outstanding compliance issue at the TXI Frazer Park Facility with Ventura County without opening the permit for critical review.
Robert A. Booher Consulting completed a streambed restoration that included extensive negotiations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Game and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Robert A. Booher Consulting prepared the conditional use permit application, surface mine reclamation plan, air quality permits, and CEQA documentation for a proposed surface mine expansion at a TXI facility located in Inyo County, California. Robert A. Booher Consulting successfully negotiated with the California Department of Fish and Game mitigation measures without habitat replacement, even though the project was located within the range of the Mojave Ground Squirrel. Robert A. Booher Consulting represented the project proponent at public hearings that resulted in the project approval.
Due Diligence Environmental Assessment
Robert A. Booher Consulting has provided multiple due diligence environmental assessments and has identified integrated resource management opportunities for U.S. Timberlands, a timberland management company with extensive holdings on the west coast.
Robert A. Booher Consulting performed an environmental assessment of approximately 200,000 acres of timberland located in northern California. This was a fast track project that was completed within two weeks and provided our client critical information regarding potential environmental liabilities.
Robert A. Booher Consulting has also reviewed a Phase I Environmental Assessment for U.S Timberlands that was prepared by a large international environmental consulting firm for a 60,000-acre parcel of timberland located in central Washington. Several issues of concern were identified that had not been previously identified and/or addressed by the selling party. Accordingly, our client was able to negotiate favorable terms and avoid unnecessary liability.
Regulatory Analysis, Environmental Planning, GIS Support
Robert A. Booher Consulting is currently providing Aera environmental permitting support for multiple projects in California. Our services include securing BLM permits, consulting with wildlife agencies, preparing CEQA documents for submittal to the State of California, Department of Conservation Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources and providing GIS Support. Robert A. Booher Consulting has successfully permitted multiple 3D seismic data acquisition projects on both federal and private lands in California for Aera.
Environmental and Permitting Services
Robert A. Booher Consulting has provided Venoco ongoing environmental and permitting services throughout California since 1998. We have supported Venoco’s due diligence efforts on multiple acquisition projects. We have permitted and are currently permitting numerous wells, pipelines and facilities for Venoco on both federal and private lands. Robert A. Booher Consulting has supported Venoco’s efforts in Kern, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Solano, Colusa and Glenn Counties. The majority of these wells required conditional use permits. Robert A. Booher Consulting has also assisted Venoco in securing surface use agreements from the property owners for these projects.
Robert A. Booher Consulting has permitted multiple 3D seismic projects for Venoco including the Grizzly Island and Sanborn Slough 3Ds. Both projects were in extremely environmentally sensitive areas adjacent to California Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Areas in Northern California. Robert A. Booher Consulting secured all environmental permits for these projects including Army Corps of Engineers permits and authorizations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Robert A. Booher Consulting also successfully negotiated access on a private nature preserve that was originally opposed to the project.
Feasibility Study
Robert A. Booher Consulting assisted Battelle in preparing a feasibility study for the U.S. Navy for the management or remediation of contaminated sediments in the San Francisco Bay. Our efforts concentrated on preparing a regulatory and cost analysis for thermal treatment of contaminated sediments using a rotary kiln process. This process results in a beneficial use product, lightweight building aggregate.
Environmental Assessment and Biological Monitoring
Robert A. Booher Consulting assisted Red Willow in securing the necessary authorizations to conduct a 3D seismic survey on the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation. Robert A. Booher Consulting conducted biological surveys, and prepared the environmental assessment for submittal to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This project required negotiation with the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Environmental Management
Robert A. Booher Consulting provides ongoing environmental management support for Cal Cedar since 1997. Robert A. Booher Consulting developed a comprehensive environmental management program designed to address both regulatory compliance and strategic initiatives for this forest products company. The program concentrated on the detection, correction, and prevention of environmental issues and included a compliance review, development of an environmental implementation plan, compliance monitoring, regulatory updates, and environmental training. Robert A. Booher Consulting also successfully managed the closure of a wood waste landfill for Cal Cedar in Roseburg, Oregon.